27. mar. 2015

Let's Enjoy Our Lives!

Yesterday I was reminded, by my best friend, that I have a lot to be thankful for. Mostly, it's her friendship (and studies show that relationships among people bring more happiness than money) but also, on a larger note, how lucky I am to live in a country where I have the option to choose my own life path and to be a free independent woman of my own means.  

It's interesting to think of now but when I decided to buy a one-way-ticket and letting go completely of everything that was known to me I experienced how good things and new friends came to me in abundance. Now I can't picture myself without them and Riikka reminded me of all that today in a way that only she can. 

As Gertrude Stein said: One Must Dare to be Happy!

Check out Riikka's blog here: Riikka's blog

1 kommentar:

  1. Hello!! you are wonderful <3<3 I hope you had very nice weekend! Did you remember to turn you clocks? I did not :D
