28. nov. 2015

27. nov. 2015

Quiet Friday Afternoon

Today I stopped by the water after work and stood for a moment enjoying the peace and quiet. I have been so busy since I returned from the US - and that's great, of course. But I'm very double-sided. I love being busy but I secretly love having nothing to do and be totally free of expectations and work matters. A way of living I picked up on my year traveling solo that I hope to experience again.  

21. nov. 2015

13. nov. 2015

Ganni Postmodern Opens on Christianshavn

One of the great things about writing for the local paper is covering what's happening in the neighbourhood and meeting new people. Today the Danish super brand Ganni opened their first Postmodern concept store and it looks promising. The store used to be our former beloved post office (I still miss it) but this isn't bad either. As a tribute they painted the ceiling red which goes well with the white minimalistic decor. You'll find samples, older collections and with time pieces from the catwalk. So if you missed out on that dress or that special top you might be able to find it here. 

Store manager Cecilie Aaskov is excited about the concept, which she describes as "Ganni with an edge" and also to get to know the locals on Christianshavn. Creative director Ditte Reffstrup shares her enthusiasm: “I am thrilled that we are opening our first Ganni Postmodern concept store in Christianshavn. It’s one of my favourite neighbourhoods in Copenhagenbeautiful with a laid-back vibe. And the location, an old post office is a perfect home for us, quirky and stylish. It’s the perfect home for past season collections, samples and other rarities."

12. nov. 2015

La Dolce Vita & Flip-Flops

I just purchased La Dolce Vita: The Golden Age of Italian Style and Celebrity by Stephen Bayley - a wonderful coffee table book with paparazzi photos of stars, models and regular Italians in the late 50ties - early 60ties. I especially fell in love with this picture of Anita Ekberg wearing a fitted dress with cinched waist.... and flip-flops!! I actually used to wear flip-flops all the time during summer but has now abandoned them. (Truth be told, my French friends persuaded me by saying in horror while looking terribly shocked: "Non Marianne, you do not wear those... what, non!!, especially not in the city..")

Anita Ekberg might make me reconsider ;-) They are useful if I were to jump into a fountain like she famously did - remember? :-)

5. nov. 2015

The Garden at Designmuseum Danmark

I don't know excatly what is going on with me but during the last couple of years I've come to love (love!!!) gardens (I love the story of how Hubert de Givenchy gifted Audrey Hepburn with 60 apple trees for her garden at La Paisible) My sister has her own garden but I don't (I make due with my canals and that's okay, too) but whenever I get the chance to immerse myself in gardens or take long walks in the woods (preferably during autumn or early spring when the birch threes are budding) I feel extremely good.

Designmusem Denmark, which is build in the Rococo style, also has its own little beautiful garden and I completely fell in love with it. I always start daydreaming about the people who have stolled there back in the old days, what they wore and talked about. Since the museum originally was a hospital it must have made for a nice retreat for patients, relatives and the hospital staff. I could have strolled there forever. It's so small and very elegant. 


4. nov. 2015

Designmuseum Danmark

Sunday my sister and I started the day with brunch at the Danish Architecture Centre here on Christianshavn and spent the afternoon at Designmuseum Danmark. I discovered (actually, I eavesdropped on the tour guide) that the museum originally was a hospital but the architect forgot to include the operation rooms (no biggie, who cares about details anyway?) Danish designer Kaare Klint helped re-design the museum and today it proudly boasts the crème de la crème of the finest Danish design.  

Back in the day the idea was to display the absolute best design so students had a place to go and study the masters and get inspired to do even better (is that even possible?) To some the glass and wooden display cases may look old and dated but for the trained eye (and for Kaare Klint fans) you can see that they are superbly designed. 

Caroline and I saw the permanent furniture, design- and textile exhibits (why doesn't people dress up anymore?), the Japanese exhibit Learning From Japan (I really want to go there) and the very fascinating Mindcraft15 curated by  Danish/Italian design duo GamFratesi.

 Learning From Japan
