23. feb. 2015

A Month of Fun and Malmø!

February has flown by and brought me surprises and many laughs and much "hygge" thanks to John who is visiting from Australia. Now, who's this gentleman you might ask? Well, he was our Australian exchange student and stayed with us during the summer of 1987 when he was 18 years old.Back then he introduced my sister and I to 80ties music and thus we spent many days watching Sky Channel and of course, having water fights because it was summer and you can't play badminton all the time.
Birthday gifts from Australia
We don't have water fights anymore and Sky Channel doesn't exist but spending time with him is always a treat and we've toured Copenhagen and visited cool places and cafés - I finally tried matcha tea at Atelier September. I've realized that when you walk with a good looking guy who's very charismatic and speaks Danish, humorous and festive incidents are bound to happen - and so I caught many girls with fluttering eye lashes and curious smiles. 

John and his wife Sonia knows me well and for my birthday earlier this month they and their two daughters treated me to wonderful gifts that couldn't have been more on the mark. Especially moving was a friendship bird from their girls.

The next day the party continued as we, John, my sister and I ventured to Malmø, Sweden, on what must have been one of the coldest days. We had a great day and I'll close with pictures of what caught my eye in the Swedish city.
We started the day with brunch at the very charming and personal café Lille Kafferosteriet - which I highly recommend and which most regular visitors from Copenhagen knows about.

Fell in love with these facades. You'll find these on a tiny charming street close to Slottsparken which leads back to the city centre.

This little lady is called Solrosen and I was immediately drawn to her. To me, as she stands there, she could easily be a real person. 
There is too much bad grafitti on Christianshavn (and because our facade is plastered with ugly signs I was surprised that this made me stop up. I find this pretty.
I don't celebrate Valentine's Day but this flower shop had the greatest display and severalpeople posed in front of the flower heart. Great fun and a great souvenir :-)

Malmø has so many beautiful charming facades - like this Shoe Maker. The City Hall is also very beautiful. Overall the city is a great escape from Copenhagen and even more so in the summer. I already look forward to it.

Oh yes, the surprise?? I applied for a position as a project manager which I was offered. I gladly accepted and is more than ready to connect with the working people again.

*I was 10, wore huge glasses and often greasy hair (who's got time to shower anyway) totally hooked on Barbie (she was my best and truest friend.)

5 kommentarer:

  1. Så sjovt. Straks du snakkede Australien, tænkte jeg, havde de ikke en udv. student derfra? Og ganske rigtigt. Underligt hvad der er lagret deroppe i knolden.
    Hvad står der i den lille Chanel bog?

    1. Haha, kan du huske ham - ja, det er John. Han var endda et smut i Esbjerg for at se det hele igen.

      Den lille Chanel bog er alletiders. Jeg har en længere biografi om hende, som jeg aldrig er kommet igennem, men den lille opsummerer alt det vigtige og sjove, såsom historien bag hendes designs, parfumer etc. samt hende som person. Der er enorm meget symbolik i alt hvad Chanel lavede. Bogen skriver det ikke, men man siger at kæden (metal og læder) på hendes tasker, er inspireret af nonnernes kæder om livet, hvor de havde nøgler og krucifikser hængende. Chanel voksede jo op i et kloster, da moderen døde og faderen smuttede. Er meget glad for bogen, som jeg blev færdig med at læse i går - også god som gaveidé :-)

  2. Den må jeg ha fat i!

  3. Læste først nu om jobbet! tILLYKKE!

    1. Kære B! Mange tak!!!! Jeg er så glad for det - det er en projektlederstilling :-)
