3. mar. 2014

Suede Boots from Bonpoint

I've been looking for a pair of suede boots for ages but haven't been able to find any. Friday afternoon - while walking briskly to an appointment I was already late for - I stumbled across these. I didn't hesitate and within 5 minutes they were mine. The sales girl gave me 60% off (which makes me love them even more) - yeah. The boots are very light and will go perfectly with skirts and skinny jeans. When it gets warmer I intend to wear them with bare legs. 

Bonpoint is a French boutique located in inner city Copenhagen. They actually sell children's clothing but have a rack with about 8 pieces of clothes for women - but hey! they don't need to prove anything. French discreet luxury at its best.

Postscript: The first day I wore these boots I took a bad fall down my stairs when leaving my apartment. I hit my elbow and legs and also my back - but the pain in my lower back (which has bothered me for almost two years now) has gone away so I must have bumped my back in a way that sorted itself out? Anyway, I've forgotten just how much it hurts to fall like a sack of potatoes - and the sound must have been scary because my neighbour came out in her robe and asked if I was alright!! I made it to work partly limping but oh! the pleasure of dressing up and looking nice just to fall on your ass!! :-)

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