2. apr. 2014

Christianshavn from Above

I really think the focal point of Christianshavn is the corkscrewspire which grazes the Church of Our Saviour. The golden external winding staircase can be climbed to the top and the church is also noted for its carillon (the largest in northern Europe) which plays melodies every hour from 8 am to midnight. I know this first hand because not only can I see the tower from my kitchen window, I also have the pleasure of hearing it's melodies (sometimes it's more of a clanging sound and I wonder jeezwhat melody are they playing now??

Anyway, there is honestly nothing more atmospheric than the sound of bells (all I need are snow clad mountains and the Von Trapp Family!!) on Sunday mornings while heating rolls in the oven and making my pour over coffee.

May I present some pics from above the tower - and yes, I climbed all the way! Please excuse the fog, I'll make the climb again soon now that Spring is showing it's pretty face.

Oh yes, you're not allowed to take pictures inside Christiania, the Free Town, but you can see it from the top here! 

3 kommentarer:

  1. Hold da op, hvor er det en fantastisk udsigt. Måske vores kultur dage skal omhandle temaet din overskrift: København set fra oven;-)

  2. Halløj du søde!
    Jeg synes nu, at det ser super fint ud med tåge - sådan lidt drømmende!
    Tænkte at jeg lige ville hoppe herind og sige hej og god weekend :)


    1. Tak og i lige måde du dér :-) God uge til dig i Paris, hvor jeg ser foråret ER kommet. Tænkte på dig i går, da jeg gjorde nogle Maille glas rene. Tror dagens indkøb inkluderer en buket til stuen og lidt småt-blomstrende til de små glas. Stort knus herfra.
