2. feb. 2015

Hello February!!!

Today I woke up to this view and it made me super happy because after so many months of darkness we need something to brighten up our days. We did get snow right after Christmas but since then... nada, really!  

I still don't know if I have any readers so you probably haven't noticed my lack of posts (instead I've added Weekend Inspirations) but I still want to apologize as a blog tends to get boring when there are no updates. The truth is that the darkness makes me stay inside much more than I usually would and I read loads of books - I also started taking art classes so I'm also reading about art and visiting museums trying to put my new skills into motion (and I don't know how well that's going, to be honest, haha) I still apply for jobs and then I watch all the re-runs of Downton Abbey and basically cry over every episode - but in a good way :-) 

I'm thinking about doing a little tour of my apartment as I love getting a peek into how other people decorate theirs so stay tuned. Otherwise, check out my Instagram account because I do manage to get outside although it may sound like I've turned into a couch potato.  

In the afternoon the snow was almost gone but I did walk rather briskly while running my errands. I do actually enjoy this kind of weather - but maybe it's because I know Spring is getting closer by the day. It was pretty by the canal as usual and the swans seemed happy to see me. Too bad I didn't carry any bread.

Later the sun came out and it's hard to see what's up and down. The reflections are near as perfect when the water is totally still.

3 kommentarer:

  1. Hej Marianne. Jeg smugkigger en gang i mellem, så een læser har du altså ;-). Håber alt går dig godt. Kh Kristine ( Greve, dog på afstand ;-))

    1. Hej Kristine
      Hvor hyggeligt at høre fra dig. Jeg håber alt er vel. Jamen, så ved jeg nu, at jeg har tre læsere (og min mor) :-)) Kh Marianne

  2. They say spring has already come here.. I think so too when I see spring flowers popping up on my walks. It still feels so cold so I am wrapping around big scarfs and mittens. But it has been very sunny and hearing the birds to sing you know that spring is almost here. Just wait, it will come there sooner than you think <3
