5. jan. 2015

Daily Life and A New Year

A few things which sort of set my mood this weekend. I don't know what 2015 will bring but I'm quite optimistic. It might sound cheesy but there really is much to be grateful for.   


January tends to be a slow month for me and I think the darkness has started to take its toll on people but I won't succumb to self pity. Instead I've signed up for Art History classes at Open University, I'll read all the books on my bucket list, land my dream job (or something close to it), continue traveling, explore Copenhagen and enjoy even the most mundane aspects of daily life - such as vacuuming :-) And before you know it Spring is knocking on the door and we get to enjoy looong light summer evenings.... 

Okay, okay, back to reality - what was it... oh yes, something about enjoying vacuuming ;-) 

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