Last year, around this time actually, I purchased a Mansur Gavriel tote in Cammello/Orange which you can see here (earlier I'd also purchased their clutch which is great for city errands) I contemplated getting the bucket bag and was on Net-a-Porter's wait list but decided last minute to opt out.
I know the bucket bag has become the IT-bag and last week I witnessed the agony and anger of thousands of girls around the world who unsuccessfully tried ordering from Mansur Gavriel when they announced their relaunch. It turned out a disaster and in the end bags were snatched right out of one's online shopping cart. After that experience I promised myself never to stand "in line" for anything again.
I don't blame Mansur Gavriel - they're a small team trying to keep up and all bags are handmade in a little family owned factory in Italy. But I guess the business is tough - once you're on a pedestal it's too easy to fall down - especially when someone else have put you there.
I wrote Net-a-Porter the next day asking to be put on their wait list. I expected the wait would be a few months. This was Friday and the next morning I got a message that a bag was reserved for me - the regular sized black/flamma bucket bag. Imagine my surprise!! Tuesday the package arrived in the most beautiful wrapping (some of you might be familiar with their black box but I wasn't) and I once again became a "happy girl, happy bag."
I have to say the bag is exquisite in it's simplicity and sculptural shape. It's made of cow leather and smells so good. There's a detachable pouch inside just like the tote and the regular size is perfect for me and my height. I wouldn't want it smaller because it's nice to have room for extra stuff.
Anyway, no matter how IT the bag has become I really love it and for Scandinavia where the style is minimalistic and simple it is absolutely perfect!
Yesterday I was reminded, by my best friend, that I have a lot to be thankful for. Mostly, it's her friendship (and studies show that relationships among people bring more happiness than money) but also, on a larger note, how lucky I am to live in a country where I have the option to choose my own life path and to be a free independent woman of my own means.
It's interesting to think of now but when I decided to buy a one-way-ticket and letting go completely of everything that was known to me I experienced how good things and new friends came to me in abundance. Now I can't picture myself without them and Riikka reminded me of all that today in a way that only she can.
As Gertrude Stein said: One Must Dare to be Happy!
Check out Riikka's blog here: Riikka's blog
I've never been a big fan of the 70ties and will never dress in a complete look from that period but while doing my daily blog perusing I noticed an editorial in this months Swedish Elle on the blog Keep it Chic (it's a great daily dose of inspiration by Preston Davis) where the rope belt was featured and styled in every shot. I could've gone to the local home depot and bought rope by the yard but instead I opted for the Elbe Rope Belt by Isabel Marant (and did a superb job with the packaging.)
When I tried it on I thought it was too short (I bought the medium length) and that it looked stupid on me. But after playing around with it and tying it in different ways it started to grow on me (haha!) and I realized the chicness comes from a cinched waist or having it tied loosely around the hips without the rope flopping on the legs. I also like the look on the model (from the S/S 2015 runway) where it's used to cinch an oversized jacket.
I am seriously trying to buy less but better items and keeping things to a minimum. I mean, I always end up wearing the same jeans over and over again anyway, so why have 5 pairs when 3 good ones are more than plenty?
I've been doing a little spring shopping and will share more soon. Net-a-Porter paid me a visit Tuesday and I was excited to get the package. I will share the contents later but it has something to do with two ladies called Rachel and Floriana... ;-)
I'm really happy with my job and as the weeks go by I get more and more used to the commute (which I know is totally normal for many people - I am actually surprised to see so many people up and around 7 am)
The last 20 minutes of my commute is definitely the prettiest and this morning I'm happy I managed to pull out my phone in time to capture this view - which is one of many stunning views along the way. The area will be out of this world idyllic once Spring sets in and I can't wait.
Today felt like a lucky day! The sun was shining and although it was only 9C it felt warm - too warm to wear a sweater, like I did. My new job as a project manager had me go to a small town today and after the meeting I found myself wandering down a small street in this even smaller town. I casually glanced to my right and spotted some old magazines from the 50ties in a Red Cross shop and initially I didn't think they were for sale. But they were and I snatched two with Grace Kelly (Princess Grace, I should say) and one with Marilyn Monroe. The sweetest old lady was behind the counter apologizing for the steep prices - 10 Danish kroner a piece!!! (a little more than €1) I could have hugged her!

When I came home from work this book on the Duchess of Windsor awaited me. I'd totally forgotten I'd ordered it and I look forward to diving into their love story while enjoying a glass of port wine which I got for my birthday. Some call it the love story of the century but I can't help thinking how difficult it must've been for Wallis Simpson to be SO loved that the Duke gave up the throne for her. Would you be able to live under that pressure? Letters from her to friends and family show that it wasn't easy for her.
In January Danish TV aired the movie "WE" by Madonna and it really spoke to me and my sense of aesthetics. The "modern" love story featured alongside the love story of the Windsors is only so so, but the one about Wallis and Edward captivated me and I can't believe the detail paid to props and clothing - but then again, the project took up 7 years of Madonna's life and when she does something, she does it in full.
Happy March 1st everyone! We've officially entered the months of Spring and I'm off to a good start with these very pretty tulips given to me yesterday by my sister and nephew.
We had such a lovely day and swung by NOMA to see the Club Monaco pop-up store (the café is open, too) before we strolled over to peruse the stalls at Copenhagen Street Food (the Italian place especially caught my attention) There are mixed opinions about the little new star shaped bridge but it does make it quite fast to get from my place to all the vibrant and cosy places on Christianshavn.